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Rachel Denning
Apr 12, 20212 min read
What If We Scratched the Educational System & Started Over??
What would we created instead? If we had to start over now — from scratch — and build an education system for our children, what would it...
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Rachel Denning
Nov 2, 20201 min read
Do Your Child's Eyes SHINE as They Learn?
Your job is not to teach or educate your children, but to make them POWERFUL. A homeschool parent (or anyone interested in their child's...
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Rachel Denning
Aug 24, 20192 min read
A Real Education No Longer Has to Happen at School
Information isn't more valuable because it's delivered by someone with a degree in a sandstone building in front of a classroom of...
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Rachel Denning
Aug 20, 20193 min read
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Rachel Denning
Aug 15, 20194 min read
Why 'Habit Training' MUST Be a Part of Our Child's Education Plan
Academics or habit training? Which will ensure long-term success for our children? Close your eyes. (Well, okay, don't. Keep reading...
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Rachel Denning
Aug 8, 20194 min read
Your Child's Life... or Their Grades? (aka 'Normal' Teenage Behavior is NOT Normal)
Which do you value more? Your child's life, or their grades? This might sound like a crazy story, but it actually happened... A few weeks...
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Rachel Denning
Jul 8, 20194 min read
What is World Schooling Anyway? (aka WE Define It Differently)
Worldschooling may not be what you think... it is and SHOULD be way more than 'learning from travel'. Take education to the next level with
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